In response to Episode 104, this third episode in the semi-regular series, the Tin Foil Hats Club, Jenny chats with a previous guest,Patricia Vella. Taking the theme of the recent infrastructure failures from Episode 104, Patricia shares her extensive knowledge and experience on cascade events can cause the issues experienced and how planning for such incidents are key to mitigating their impact.
To follow Patricia on Twitter click the link here.
To visit Patricia's website click the link here.
Don't forget, to get in touch with me either try the contact page of the site or follow me on Twitter, where I can be found at @Jenny_Radcliffe
In the second of this semi-regular series, the Tin Foil Hats Club, Jenny chats with a previous guest, Philip Ingram MBE. They discuss the recent infrastructure failures the UK experienced, trying to cut through the noise to establish if they were part of a coordinated attack, what it means for the UK and why would such an attack take place.
Look below for the links mentioned during the conversation.
Philip Ingram's previous appearance on the Human Factor Security Podcast, click here to access that episode.
Click here for the link to Philip's excellent article covering the issues of the failures.
Click here for the Amazon link to the book recommended by Philip, Intercept: The Secret History of Computers and Spies (Gordon Cerera)
Don't forget, to get in touch with me either try the contact page of the site or follow me on Twitter, where I can be found at @Jenny_Radcliffe
David is a highly skilled program director who has national and international experience in Financial Services, Business Intelligence, National Security and Cyber, Smart Meters and IoT, amongst others.
He has developed digital, technology, data integration and security strategies for e-health, smart meters, national security, border control, e-learning, cloud, cyber security and desktop.
Listen to them chat about working in governmental circles, with the challenges that brings, as well as looking at psychological factors that need to be considered when looking at risk within an organisation.
CISO Defenders of the Cyber Realm (Mike Loginov)
To follow David on LinkedIn click the link here.
Don't forget you can also follow Jenny on Twitter by clicking the link here.